Saturday 26 November 2011

When the Show is over

Moving contour drawing
We didn't have many visitors to our exhibition, which was disappointing. No pictures sold but Becky Brown sold 5 of her sculptures, which shows how appealing they are. We did get lots of enthusiastic comments from those who came and many people gave their details for future life drawing events. The evening workshop went well despite my packing in an ambitious amount of lessons! Since packing away the pictures I've really enjoyed drawing for pleasure again. Not trying to achieve anything or develop ideas. Just enjoying that state of simple looking and the feeling of wonder at the beauty of the body. I've done a few contours of the body gently moving and like the intense but delicate scribbles that appear on the paper. I'm wondering how to develop these results into paintings. Not just stylised abstracts but something that conveys my fascination...

Monday 14 November 2011

Life Drawing in Norfolk

Charcoal gesture drawing
My son and his girlfriend worked hard, helping me hang 35 pictures in about 3 hours on Friday. Thank you! It would have been near impossible without the help! The exhibition looks great but we haven't had many visitors. As always, quite a few artists turn out to view the nudes and we discuss life drawing! They appreciate the pictures because they know how difficult it is to capture the subtle beauty of the figure. I enjoy teaching life drawing and I'm good at showing people how to look properly and how to relish such a wonderful subject! I'm running two classes in life drawing. The first is in the gallery on Friday 18th, 7 to 9pm and can be booked through the Arts Centre on 01553 764864. The second is an all day workshop at the Granary Theatre in Wells on Sunday 4th December. Contact me to book or for more information.

Thursday 10 November 2011

The Hanging

Sitting easy
That's it... time's up! Tomorrow I hang the work. Saturday the exhibition As Nature Intended begins at the King's Lynn Arts Centre. An exhibition of nude drawings, paintings and photographs. I've done what I can to drive it along and promote it. There is so much more involved than just doing the fun drawings! I've been framing and wrapping and writing supporting stuff and I'm pretty worn out. It's been a big, long indulgence and I have enjoyed every drawing session. I've done some good stuff that I won't mind keeping if nobody buys anything. What a terrible time to try and sell pictures! Retail figures are rock bottom. But that's not why I've been drawing all year. All these pictures are like memories of fun moments when I've played at being an artist!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Watercolour Nudes

Letting Go
Watercolour is the perfect medium for nude pictures. One of the delights of skin is the flowing variation of colour that sweeps around the body. I find this can be easily matched with a flowing, varying wash. Leaving behind some paper to convey the light catching on all the lovely forms and using a bit of soft-edging here and there, captures the naked body perfectly. With all my framed pictures ready to hang I can once more simply enjoy the process of drawing and let the results look after themselves. This is another little gem that I've added to my hand-made watercolour pad.